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Press Release no 66 Estonian Minister of Defence to send condolonces to the Latvian Minister of Defence Atis Slakteris

31. August 2005 - 12:04
The Estonian Minister of Defence Margus Hanson sent his condolences to the Latvian Minister of Defence Atis Slakteris in connection with the loss of a Latvian soldier in Iraq.


The Estonian Minister of Defence Margus Hanson sent his condolences to the Latvian Minister of Defence Atis Slakteris in connection with the loss of a Latvian soldier in Iraq.


“As we have entered the new era, one has to admit that security and stability can no longer be provided by a single nation but by means of co-operation among nations,” states Hanson in the letter of condolences. “It is a matter of regret that in our joint fight for stability and peace we have to make painful sacrifices from time to time.. If there is any consolation at all which could alleviate your pain, let this be the firm belief that we are doing our best in order to make the world a better place for generations to come”.