The Minister of Defence Margus Hanson and the Chief of Staff vice-admiral Tarmo Kõuts participate at Colorado Springs informal NATO and the seven invited countries Ministers of Defence meeting today.
The main topic of the meeting is to review the Alliance’s transformation in the context of the future security environment, particularly accentuating the implementation of the new NATO Response Force, new military command structure and efforts to improve capabilities. One important key theme at the meeting is the need to increase the deployability and usability of NATO’s forces if the Alliance is to meet future threats and mission demands.
For the first time NATO organized within the meeting a crisis management study seminar designated to provide the Ministers, Chiefs of Defence Staff, NATO Ambassadors and senior Alliance officials with an opportunity to confront realistic scenarios, depicting future threats and challenges and to consult on how NATO must transform to be able to respond to even more rapidly to these challenges.
In this context the Minister of Defence Margus Hanson said: “ Although an informal meeting, it gives a significant impulse for future developments within the Alliance. It was positive that the errors occurring during the seminar will give an opportunity to search for possible solutions.”