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Minister of Defence Jüri Luik appointed Kristjan Prikk as the Undersecretary for Defence Policy.


Kaitseminister Jüri Luik nimetas kaitsepoliitika asekantsleri ametisse Kristjan Prikki.


Minister of Defence Margus Tsahkna thanked the peacekeepers who had just returned from Lebanon for their service and presented them with mission medals.


The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence said at the high-level Defence and Security Conference Prague that when it comes to developing the European Union's defence dimension the focus must be placed on specific and practically constructive solutions for the field of defence


Kaitseminister Margus Tsahkna tänas äsja Liibanonist naasnud rahuvalvajaid teenistuse eest ning andis neile üle missioonimedalid.


Reedel Prahas peetud kõrgetasemelisel julgeoleku- ja kaitsekonverentsil osalenud kaitseministeeriumi kantsler ütles, et Euroopa Liidu kaitsedimensiooni arendamisel tuleb keskenduda konkreetsetele ning kaitsevaldkonda praktiliselt edasiviivatele lahendustele.


Yesterday, during his presentation at the symposium held at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, in Washington, D.C., Minister of Defence Margus Tshakna stated that the European Union has taken specific steps over a short period of time in the field of defence cooperation which, am


Kaitseminister Margus Tsahkna ütles eile Washingtonis toimunud USA strateegiliste ja rahvusvaheliste uuringute keskuse sümpoosionil esinedes, et Euroopa Liit on teinud kaitsekoostöö vallas lühikese ajaga konkreetseid samme edasi, mis muuhulgas toetab ja tugevdab ka NATO-t


On his visit to the United States, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Jonatan Vseviov met with Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work and confirmed that the lead role of the United States in NATO and the Baltic Sea region is firm.


Ameerika Ühendriikides asekaitseminister Bob Workiga kohtunud kaitseministeeriumi kantsler Jonatan Vseviov kinnitas, et USA juhtroll NATO-s ja Läänemere regioonis on kindel.

